Ofsted, Whole School Reviews and School Priorities

Ofsted - June 2024

Our most recent OFSTED inspection took place in June 2024. The school was judged to still be OUTSTANDING

Key findings

"This school provides an exceptional education for its pupils. Staff have high expectations for all pupils"

 "Pupils thrive in this happy, nurturing school"

"The exceptional education that the school provides is supported by a wide range of enrichment opportunities. Pupils spoke enthusiastically about the vast array of high-quality activities on offer."

"The school has a carefully planned and well-designed curriculum. This ambitious curriculum matches and often exceeds what is expected nationally"

"Behaviour is excellent. Pupils are motivated to learn. Disruption to learning in lessons is exceedingly rare."

"Staff skilfully support pupils to learn about and celebrate diversity."

"By the time pupils leave Year 6, they are exceptionally well prepared for their move to secondary school"


Click here to read our full OFSTED Report 2024 

Ofsted - November 2017

A graded OFSTED inspection took place in November 2017. The school was judged to OUTSTANDING. 

Key OFSTED findings:

Pupils receive a broad and rich curriculum

Pupils make outstanding progress

Behaviour around the school is outstanding 

Provision for pupils' spiritual , moral, social and cultural development is outstanding 

School leaders and governors work very well to embed the school's catholic values. 

Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and plan interesting lessons that engage and motivate pupils. 


Click here to read our full OFSTED Report November 2017

Challenge Partners

OLM is a member of Challenge Partners. Our most recent review took place in January 2017; the quality assurance and assessment is built around the QA Review, a professionally-led peer review focused on teaching and learning. 

Click here to read the Challenge Partners Report January 2017