Year 5 Curriculum Information

Term: Autumn Term 2024

Home Learning:

All Maths (online MyMaths) will be set on Wednesday and due in on Wednesday (children have logins for this)

Spellings will be set on Wednesday and your children will be tested on Wednesday. We will remind you on Google Classroom what list is being taught that week so you can access Spelling Shed to practise. (children have logins for this)

English homework will be set on Wednesdays and due in on the following Wednesday. This will alternate between a paper reading comprehension one week and four pages of the CGP book (grammar book) the next week.

Times tables are tested weekly on Wednesday. Your child will bring home the times table that they are on to practise at home.

Rapid Recall- tested on Wednesday. Your child will bring home their marked rapid recall on Friday so you can see how well they are doing.

The expectation is that all children must complete their homework.



Both Y50 and Y5K will have their PE on Wednesdays and Thursdays. On Thursdays, Coach Costa will teach them basketball and their class teachers will teach them gymnastics on Wednesdays. 



Throughout the year, OLM focuses on different elements of Catholic Social Teaching (CST Rooted in Love). Each term we look at a different value and discuss what each one means:

Autumn 1 - Care of Creation

Autumn 2 Preferential Option for the Poor

Spring 1 - Solidarity and Peace

Spring 2 - Community and Participation

Summer 1 - Dignity of Workers

Summer 2 - Human Dignity

We follow the ‘Come and See’ scheme of work. Each topic usually lasts for four weeks. We begin by exploring what each topic means to us before moving on to how it relates to religion and the gospels. During the year we also learn about other faiths. At OLM we focus on Judaism and Islam. This is a brilliant way to teach respect for our community as a whole, regardless of cultures and beliefs. Our topics for the autumn term are: ourselves, life choices and hope. 



We begin this half term with Michael Morpurgo's 'Friend or Foe'. Children will explore a variety of sentence structures within this text and will result in a finished writing product.



Destination Reader is the approach to teaching reading which we take in key stage 2. It involves three sessions per week incorporating whole class modelling of reading strategies prior to the children applying these skills through partner work and independent reading. Teachers and children will use a range of strategies to aid comprehension and encourage the teaching of reading with meaning and to support reading with pleasure. We are currently reading Friend or Foe. 



Children should now be confident in all their times tables (up to the 12 times table). Children should be able to answer related questions quickly and fluently. Please practise these at home with your child on a daily basis.

Maths No Problem will be used throughout Year 5 and the children will be continuing to use Rapid Recall to develop and consolidate mental maths skills. 

Most Maths No Problem chapters include problem solving activities where children will be consolidating and extending their use and understanding of bar modelling method. All children will be expected to complete reasoning challenges related to the topic of study. 

Rapid Recall will be given out weekly. Rapid Recall is very important to practise mental maths skills. 

MyMaths home learning tasks will be set online every Monday.

We will be covering the following topic areas this term:

  • Times Tables

    Pupils should know times tables: 1-12 and will be tested weekly on the times table they are on. 

    If a child gets 3 or more times tables incorrect, he/she will need to repeat the test until they score 2 or less incorrect. If a child scores 2 or less incorrectly then that is a pass and he/she will be able to move onto the next times table.

    This is the order in which we test the children on times tables:

    10, 5, 11, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 and then Ultimate Times Table Challenge – combination of times tables.

    As the weeks go on, the children will be at different stages.

    Repetition is key! Please use the TT Rockstars website to practise.


    Numbers to 1,000,000

    Reading & Writing Numbers to 100,000, 1000,000

    Comparing Numbers to 1000,000

    Making Number Patterns

    Rounding Numbers to the Nearest 10,000 and 100,000

    Whole Numbers: Addition & Subtraction

    Counting on to add

    Adding within 1000,000

    Counting Backwards to subtract

    Subtracting within 1000,000

    Adding & Subtracting within 1000,000


    Whole Numbers: Multiplication & Division

    Finding Multiples

    Finding Factors

    Finding Common Factors

    Finding Prime Numbers

    Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers

    Finding square and cube numbers

    Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000

    Multiplying 2-digit or 3-digit numbers by a single digit

    Multiplying 4 digit numbers

    Multiplying a 2 digit number by a 2 digit number

    Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000

    Dividing without a remainder

    Dividing with a remainder



The children will be learning about Earth and space. Our main objectives: 

  • describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system
  • describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth
  • describe the sun, Earth and moon as approximately spherical bodies
  • use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky



We will be working on information technology: creating media. In this topic, the children will learn how to produce videos. In E-safety we will look at private and personal information. 


The popularity of social networking sites is growing. It is important for children to know how to protect themselves and behave responsibly when they are part of an online community. 

Children must use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.

How to make ourselves SMART online:

  • SAFE - keep safe, do not give out personal information 
  • MEET - don't meet someone you have met/spoken to online
  • ACCEPTING - don't accept messages from people you don't know
  • RELIABLE - information may not always be true
  • TELL - tell your parent/carer if something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried

A useful website for e-safety:

Computing Systems & Networks

Systems and searching

Media balance & wellbeing

My Media Choices


History and Geography 

Summer: This half term we will be exploring 'Why is California so thirsty? Children will be taught about: 1.Why is water so important? 
2. Farming in California 
3. Why is California running out of water? 
4. Growing almonds 
5. The California Aqueduct 
6. What next for California?


This half term the children's art topic will be 'Drawing' (I need space) where the unit will link to space. They will explore and experiment with line, tone, texture, shape and colour. 



The children will have a specialist Music teacher for these lessons. They will be learning how to play the ukuleles!  
Useful Websites:
Key Dates: tbc